Our SAT/PSAT Test Preparation Programs have been helping students achieve their best standardized testing scores since 1998.
After participating in one of our SAT courses, students can expect the following:
Expanded knowledge of advanced Math and English
Deeper understanding of critical Math and English test strategies
Less test anxiety and increased confidence in testing abilities
An improvement in test scores*
*We try our best to help students increase their scores, but we do not guarantee this.
Early Bird Discount
Early Bird Discount ⋆
$50 discount will be granted for registrations finalized 2 weeks in advance of the first class or test.
AP Calculus BC
Boot Camp
This class is VIRTUAL and is preparing students for the AP Calculus BC exam on May 12, 2025.
This course is a total of 12 sessions (18 hours total) with 2 classes per week over the span of 6 weeks.
Click on the “View Calendar” button to see the full calendar dates and times.
Tuition covers the cost registration fees.
Please note that additional resources may be required for purchase (e.g. supplementary textbook) upon instructor's discretion.
This course is an intensive, quick-paced online prep course and is perfect for students who are preparing to take the AP exam in May.
2025 SAT Prep
Next Registration Deadline:
Saturday, March 1, 2025
This class is IN PERSON and is preparing students for the May SAT test on Saturday, June 7, 2025.
We have other courses slated throughout the year congruent with the official SAT test dates. You can sign up ahead of time for any session in the year!
The first session is an in-person practice test scheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2025.
This course is a total of 12 sessions:
9 instructional sessions and 3 practice tests.Click on the “View Calendar” button to see the full calendar dates and times.
Students will be provided an individual account featuring full-length DSAT tests and access to practice problems.
Tuition covers the cost of setting up this account plus registration fees.
Please note that additional resources may be required for purchase (e.g. supplementary textbook) upon instructor's discretion.
Students have 1-year access to 10 full-length DSAT tests and practice problems. Instructional sessions will cover strategies and test-taking tips.
This course is perfect for students who are either new to the SAT test or need additional instructional review and support. If your student is looking for more test-taking practice, we recommend our SAT Boot Camp course.
Registration deadlines are always 2 weeks before the first session.
*Finalizing your registration includes:
Filling out a registration form by clicking on the "Register" button.
Your student completing a complementary diagnostic test.
Sending payment before the registration deadline.
Until all requirements have been met, your registration will be considered "pending."
SAT Boot Camp
Registration Deadline: Friday, March 7, 2025
This class is preparing students for the May SAT test on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
We have other courses slated throughout the year congruent with the official SAT test dates. You can sign up ahead of time for any session in the year!
The first session is a practice test scheduled for Friday, March 21, 2025.
This course is a total of 10 sessions:
5 review sessions and 5 practice tests.Click on the “View Calendar” button to see the full calendar dates and times.
Students will be provided an individual account featuring full-length DSAT tests and access to practice problems.
Tuition covers the cost of setting up this account plus registration fees.
Please note that additional resources may be required for purchase (e.g. supplementary textbook) if the instructor deems it necessary for the class.
Our SAT Boot Camp courses are best for those who are familiar with the SAT test but want more testing practice.
This course is our most intensive, quick-paced prep course and is test-oriented.
Similar to our in-person SAT Prep and SAT Boot Camp courses, students have 1-year access to 10 full-length DSAT tests and practice problems.
All instructional sessions will be held via Zoom and will be recorded.
Link and further information will be provided once registration is finalized.* (see "Next Steps")
*Finalizing your registration includes:
Filling out a registration form by clicking on the "Register" button.
Your student completing a complementary diagnostic test.
Sending payment before the registration deadline.
Until all requirements have been met, your registration will be considered "pending."
SAT Boot Camp
Registration Deadline: Saturday, October 12, 2024
This class is IN PERSON and is preparing students for the December SAT test on Saturday, December 7, 2024.
The first session is a practice diagnostic test scheduled for Saturday, October 26, 2024.
This course is a total of 10 sessions:
5 instructional sessions, and 5 practice tests.Click on the “View Calendar” button to see the full calendar dates and times.
Students will be provided an individual account featuring full-length DSAT tests and access to practice problems.
Tuition covers the cost of setting up this account plus registration fees.
Please note that additional resources may be required for purchase (e.g. supplementary textbook) if the instructor deems it necessary for the class.
Our SAT Boot Camp courses are best for those who are familiar with the SAT test but want more testing practice.
This course is our most intensive, quick-paced prep course and is test-oriented.
Registration deadlines are always 2 weeks before the first session.
*Finalizing your registration includes:
Filling out a registration form by clicking on the "Register" button.
Your student completing a complementary diagnostic test.
Sending payment before the registration deadline.
Until all requirements have been met, your registration will be considered "pending."
Virtual SAT 1600
The first session is a practice test that students will take as a diagnostic before the first instructional session on Saturday, January 11th.
This course is a total of 42 instructional hours over the span of 12 weeks with a total of 4 practice DSAT tests.
Click on the “View Calendar” button to see the full calendar dates and times.
Students will be provided an individual account featuring full-length DSAT tests and access to practice problems.
Tuition covers the cost of setting up accounts plus registration fees.
Please note that additional resources may be required for purchase (e.g. supplementary textbook) if the instructor deems it necessary for the class.
This course is best suited for those in 10th grade (or lower) who want to study and prepare for the SAT before Junior year. It’s a great comprehensive course that aims to set a solid foundation for those just starting on their PSAT/SAT journey.
All instructional sessions will be held via Zoom and will be recorded.
Link and further information will be provided once registration is finalized.* (see "Next Steps")
*Finalizing your registration includes:
Filling out a registration form by clicking on the "Register" button.
Your student completing a complementary diagnostic test.
Sending payment before the registration deadline.
Until all requirements have been met, your registration will be considered "pending."
Registration Deadline: Saturday, January 4, 2025
Virtual PSAT
Boot Camp
Stay tuned for updates.
Students will be provided an individual account featuring a full DPSAT test and access to practice problems.
Tuition covers the cost of setting up this account plus registration fees.
Please note that additional resources may be required for purchase (e.g. supplementary textbook) upon instructor's discretion.
This boot camp is designed for students who are preparing for their school’s PSAT test in October.
All instructional sessions will be held via Zoom and will be recorded.
Link and further information will be provided once registration is finalized.* (see "Next Steps")
No sessions scheduled at this time.
Virtual ACT
Boot Camp
Stay tuned for updates.
Tuition covers the cost of setting up a online practice test-taking account plus registration fees.
Please note that additional resources may be required for purchase (e.g. supplementary textbook) upon instructor's discretion.
This intensive virtual ACT Boot Camp course features a highly experienced ACT instructor in Math, Verbal, and Science.
Similar to our Virtual SAT Prep course, the study halls are for students to engage in live Q&A with the instructor to go over any specific problems or questions. Instructional sessions will cover content, strategies, and test-taking tips.
All instructional sessions will be held via Zoom and will be recorded.
Link and further information will be provided once registration is finalized.* (see "Next Steps")
No sessions scheduled at this time.
Get in touch.
Fill out the form and let us know how we can help you with Private School Admission Test Prep.